Sunday, April 25, 2010


I hate to write a blog post that comes before Melissa's beautiful post below, but I felt the need to check in. Things are mostly the same here, just worrying about my husband, Melissa and his mother.

Looking forward to spending time with the kids in the morning and Dominic after school tomorrow. I am thinking that being around children is the best mood lifter I know, well aside from eight hours in a spa. Not that I have ever done that, but a girl can dream, right?

Chris and I have been playing Scrabble on the ipad and he has been giving me quite the run for my money lately! We are currently watching Boondock Saints 2, and I wish I could give it a decent review, but it's not looking good.

Update on the Happiness Project is that I am mostly sticking to my daily reminders and I have got some great pictures of organizing I have been doing. Until tomorrow.

Please keep Melissa and her family in your prayers.

Melissa 2

-- Post From My iPhone

Location:S 248th St,Kent,United States

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