Sunday, April 18, 2010


My focus today has been on all the things I am grateful for. It is so easy to be grateful for the normal things, such as health, family, and jobs. I want to be more grateful for the everyday stuff. Today I had a lot to be grateful for.

First being my wonderful son, this morning he got up quietly, turned on some cartoons and let me sleep peacefully until I was ready to get up. He is such a thoughtful little boy.

Second is my brother and father for helping me out of a tough situation. I had a flat tire today. They both helped me get the tire off my car, assess the damage and get the tire to Costco to get it fixed. It was a big inconvenience but with their help it got taken care of and my car is drivable again. I am also super excited to say I finally got to drive my brothers super awesome truck, which was a ton of fun.

Third is my neighbor, or sort of neighbor, he lives in the condo building next to mine. Today he dropped off two tomato plants one for me and one for Dominic. I guess he planted more than he needed and offered plants to a lot of the neighbors. This act boosted my sense of community and made me very happy.

Fourth, I am grateful for the box of chocolates I bought myself yesterday while out with Melissa. It was a wonderful treat to splurge on, every girl needs See's candy every once in a while.

I am happy to report that all these little things and a lot more not mentioned (because the post is long enough) helped my day to be a great day. I will continue to be grateful for the little things through the days to have more wonderful days.

With gratitude
Melissa #1

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