Today I read Gretchen's chapter on pursing your passion in life. I was inspired. There is one thing in my life that I love doing more than everything else. Taking pictures. Last week Melissa challenged me to spend at least one hour a week with my camera because she said "while taking pictures I am so happily me". She is right, I have so much fun with it, yet once the pictures are taken, they forever sit on my hard drive and slowly get forgotten about. Half of the fun of pictures is showing them off. So I decided today that I would Make Time to do something with my photo's. Whether it's a scrapbook, photo album, frame, or even submitting my photos to contests. The thought of perfect strangers seeing my photos is thrilling. This would also be a good way for me to get over my fear of being judged. So far in my life I have never submitted a print anywhere for fear of it not being liked by all who see it. However this is irrational, I can't expect everyone to like my work, I can just hope to bring inspiration to at least one person.
My goals with my photography will be:
1. Spend one hour a week taking pictures
2. Print photos and start scrapbooking again
3. Put together a photo album
4. Frame at least four of my favorite photo's and hang them in my house
(for this one I may even learn how to make frames!)
5. Submit at least one picture to a contest (or a fair)
I hope by pursing my passion I can become more confident in my skills, and maybe even make my passion a bigger part of my life.
Keep your passions alive
Melissa #1
If you aren't familiar with Worth1000, you should check it out. They have several levels of themed photography contests.
ReplyDeleteI think it costs a little money to submit an entry (less than a dollar last time I did it), but that basically just serves to keep out the trolls.
Here's the photography contest page:
Thank you for the information! I will check that out!