You have been around for four months now, and it's so funny to think about what you do now as compared to then. You are reaching for and grabbing everything, including spices off the counter while sitting in your bumbaloo seat. The other thing you are frequently clawing at is my face! It hurts, but you are so absolutely gleeful when you do it that it's hard to get mad at you.
You still don't sleep. I am so jealous of the people who have babies that sleep the night. You rarely sleep three hours, and yup, I am tired. You run so hot and cold though, and I can't help but admire it. You either love or hate what you are doing, there is absolutely no in between. You go from giggling and laughing to screaming your head off.
You also do the cutest thing that Daddy has dubbed "partying". If you like something, you kind of jerk your whole body back and forth. You do this when you see someone you like, when you see something you want, or even when you smell something good.
Speaking of food, you LOVE to eat. Solids are a big favorite of yours, but only when you are in the mood, of course. Avocados are pretty much always a go, and you love sweet potatos.
You only ever want to stand, you hate to sit or lay down. We have to have you supported standing in our laps pretty much all the time to keep you happy. We think you might just be frustrated because you can't move, and probably just won't be happy until you can.
Zoe taught you how to high five today, while we were at the motorcycle shop waiting for Daddy to pick up his new bike. You were so proud of yourself when you got it down.
(Her previous updates are at
Such cute pictures and such a sweet update. Love and miss you guys bunches and are sad we don't get to see Abby grow. I still remember how amazed I was when Zoe "watered" herself! :) I'm glad you get to spend so much time with them both.